Red Retail Communications Audit
When did your executive team last engage in an independent audit of the critical stakeholder touch-points of your business?
At the end of the day – with all the best will in the world – alignment of execution often fails at one or more points in the chain. This means potential productivity (read maximum profit and returns) is wasted.
The Red Retail Communications Audit is a detailed logical and (importantly) independent framework to evaluate all points of influence on the customer for alignment to strategy and contribution to the desired customer and business outcomes. It also ensures alignment, inspiration and direction are provided from one framework for all members of the extended team (executives, partners & suppliers).
It also fits as an important part of the continuous Red Business Review Cycle – an integral part of continuous improvement. It is imperative to all businesses that an independent set of eyes – with no conflict of agenda – reviews these important contributors to profit on a regular basis as an important part of the governance process.
The following pages outline where it fits, the process for how it is conducted and the costs.